Green Social Prescribing

So, what is Green Social Prescribing?

Green Social Prescribing is like a breath of fresh air for well-being. It’s a holistic approach that taps into nature’s therapeutic power to nurture physical, mental, and emotional health. Imagine a prescription not for pills but for outdoor adventures, garden therapy, and community engagement. It’s about reconnecting with the natural world to find balance and vitality in our hectic lives.

Picture this: instead of a doctor’s office, you’re strolling through lush greenery, feeling the stress melt away with each step. Or perhaps you’re getting your hands dirty in a community garden, feeling a sense of purpose as you nurture life from soil to harvest. Maybe you’re joining a group activity, surrounded by fellow adventurers, laughing and bonding under the open sky.

Green Social Prescribing is about more than just wellness; it’s about connection. It’s about forging bonds with nature and with each other, creating a supportive community where everyone thrives. Whether it’s an art or crafting class, a gardening workshop, or a group outing, it’s an invitation to rediscover nature’s joy and rejuvenation. So, step outside, breathe deeply, and let Green Social Prescribing guide you to a healthier, happier life.

What is the prescribing part?

We can all go and take a walk outside, go for a stroll down the beach, or take a picnic with friends. So why don’t we do it then?

Good question. The incredible amount of evidence proving that this will do us good is undeniable. So, I’ll say it again, ‘Why don’t we just go and do it then?’

The world of work, time pressures, modern technology, our consumerist lifestyle, and home dynamics all get in the way.

A whole cluster of modern living reasons conspire to stop us from taking time out and getting out in nature.

Green Social Prescribing is where the resistance stops and permission is given. For the good of your mental and physical health, permission is given for you to stop, remove the clutter and take the time out in nature for yourself.

We know lots of people won’t do this for themselves. They need inspiration, motivation, and a reason. Here at Burscough Community Farm we’ve packaged those doses of nature into something that gets people taking part. Those involved could be your staff, your patients, your friends or even yourself. Write your own prescription, you deserve it.

Join with us at Burscough Community Farm on one of our courses or workshops and we’ll give you reason to reconnect with nature. Fill in the contact form below and we’ll contact you to tell you more.


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